Normally this entry would be filled with video clips and photos inspired by the words and actions of our Cornwall City Council and Mayor. I’m not doing that tonight, because frankly tonight I’m very disappointed. Today was a let down.   It showed the lack of vision by many on councilContinue Reading

We apologize for the delay in getting all this video up.  We have fired our video editor and sent him to a far away place where he must sit with much shame….. Ms Clement introduces MP Bob Rae:  httpv:// httpv:// httpv:// Bob Rae on The Seaway International Bridge Crisis: httpv:// Reading

Guinness World Record – Record Shattering Event What: Make Poverty History Flag Raising Ceremony at the Justice Building, Cornwall When: 9:30am – 10:30am – Friday, October 16th, 2009 Where: in front of the flag pole at the Justice Building – 340 Pitt Street, Cornwall, ON Who: The SDG Coalition forContinue Reading

DEVELOPING – In a special session today of Cornwall City Council it was decided to move forward at full speed with the 3 plus 1 arena project.   With such luminaries as Scott Lecky & Joe Gunn in the audience the presentation, discussion, and debate lasted nearly three hours. We’re busyContinue Reading