Going into this season Habs GM Marc Bergevin made very few impact changes.   Washington for example, clearly saw a need for some secondary scoring support and nabbed TJ Oshie, and Justin Williams. Montreal saw some lottery tickets.    Alex Semin, Zach Kassian, and Tomas Fleischman.     While “Flash”Continue Reading

This week an uproar occurred when our newly minted rock star Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, issued a statement regarding the Holocaust. Ottawa, Ontario 27 January 2016 The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust:Continue Reading

It’s interesting to see what hits a button with people and what doesn’t?   In this age of internet newspapers like CFN we get to see direct results by page view counts, comments, and of course Social Media chatter. In 2015 we also live in an age of near OrwellianContinue Reading

It’s sad when pundits…or hacks as in the case of Todd Lihou of the Seaway Media try to make hay on the suffering and misfortune of others. I  just read a very strange and bizarre editorial by Mr. Lihou on the Syrian refugee crisis and his suggestion that there’s plentyContinue Reading

You ever see someone and you know that either they aren’t sleeping, are about to lose their job, or simply aren’t getting enough TLC? Hugo Rodrigues, editor of the Standard Freeholder, has been on the warpath of late.   We here call it “Gilcig very very lite.” The biggest differenceContinue Reading

So with one week to go where do we stand with one of Canada’s longest elections? Stephen Harper clearly will not enjoy another majority which has many Canadians rejoicing.    Scandal after scandal has plagued his government, but most simply have grown tired of the politics of fear mongering andContinue Reading

Wow!   Perusing the last few issues of TC Media’s Seaway News it was kinda funny watching Todd & Mac try and tag team. Mr. Lihou must be cranky of late.  He’s taken shots at moi and Freeholder editor Hugo Rodrigues recently.   Of course looking at the page countContinue Reading

  While this disturbing, but hotly awesome piece of video is going viral it shows a few things about politics in Canada in 2015. One that the Harperites are extremely unhappy with the Mike Duffy saga; not so much for what Duffy did, but for how it’s played out. DoesContinue Reading