With the reinforcement of the City Council that SD&SG Federal Liberal Candidate Bernadette Clement was a key part of covering up the Chem Tank contract from the public can Justin Trudeau afford a potential scandal? Clearly City Hall knew about the Chem Tanks nearly a year before they were constructedContinue Reading

This has to be the weirdest Federal election I’ve lived through.    I’m now a hyper partisan voter.  No more party allegiances for me. The problem is that in this race the one leader I’d lean towards I’ve lost all faith in.    Nor do I see that much separatingContinue Reading

  While this disturbing, but hotly awesome piece of video is going viral it shows a few things about politics in Canada in 2015. One that the Harperites are extremely unhappy with the Mike Duffy saga; not so much for what Duffy did, but for how it’s played out. DoesContinue Reading

CORNWALL Ontario — It’s been a bumpy beginning to the campaign for Cornwall City Councilor Bernadette Clement.    She’s been part of a council this term that has attacked family ice rinks at Christmas and made National news again for getting jiggy with worm and lemonde selling kids. Her ridingContinue Reading

If money talks Stephen Harper will have another majority government.   Of course when you make the rules it’s expected that you get good results.    Right now Mr. Harper set the rules that they benefit himself and his party and it just might work. Justin Trudeau, if an electionContinue Reading

Well one thing is becoming clearer.  It really doesn’t appear that Bernadette Clement wants to be a city councilor in Cornwall?  She has attempted to run for upper political office or hope to become a judge each election. Last night the local Liberal riding went through the charade of aContinue Reading