2012 Social

CFN – On Sunday, June 24, friends, neighbours and families are invited to participate in an afternoon of wholesome fun on the grounds of St. Columban Parish in downtown Cornwall.  Centrally located in Cornwall’s original mile square, the location is easy to access and has plenty of available parking. AdmissionContinue Reading

Our Philosophy:  English is the working language of Canada and much of the world. A grasp of ALL other languages should be considered an asset, but not mandatory. People are equal, but languages are not. Our Mission Statement:  Fair hiring practices for ALL Canadians through representation by population. Our Motto: Continue Reading

CFN–  Waterfront Committee member Roy Perkins (pictured above on right) has been caught lobbying hard for development of the city of Cornwall’s green space. The question is how many people has he sent this email out to that we received this evening? http://www.cornwall.ca/en/planningandpermits/waterfrontconsultation.asp The link for the meeting information isContinue Reading