Founded in Kingston, Ontario in 1954, we are a people-oriented, private real estate company engaged in the construction, acquisition, and management of multi-family residential projects in Ontario and Naples, Florida. We have branch offices in London, Hamilton, Toronto, Ottawa and Naples, with the head office in Kingston.   Superintendents live and work in ourContinue Reading

RPS Satellite Serves Canada with some of the widest range of Products and services.  Big Dish, Bell, Dish HD and much more.   Accessories, computers, wires, kits; call Roger for all of your needs! Roger Sanchez was having a difficult time obtaining quality product for his big dish satellite system.Continue Reading

CFN – That fount of political wisdom, Celine Dion, has apparently come out in favour of the new PQ Charter which has been roundly condemned world wide including Amnesty International.   I remember when long time family friend Benny Kushner would show up at our home bringing albums of theContinue Reading

CFN –   Singers have their one special hit; authors their books, but legendary Canadian political cartoonist Terry Mosher, better known as Aislin, has hit a new high note in his long and historic career with his new cartoon depicting the Quebec Premier spoofing the Miley Cyrus song Wrecking Ball!Continue Reading

CFN – Quebec’s new Charter of Shame has been condemned loudly outside of the province.  It’s also be loudly rejected within by the opposition parties, by labour, by Mayoralty candidates in Montreal, Quebec’s largest union federation, the mayors of the 15 other municipalities on the island of Montreal, a prominent BlocContinue Reading

CFN – I was given a book by a friend not too long ago which I am just getting around to reading, The Omnivore’s Dilemma, A Natural History of Four Meals by Michael Pollan.  So much interesting information…”Our ingenuity in feeding ourselves is prodigious, but at various points our technologiesContinue Reading

Are you one of those Cornwall businesses tired of overpaying for ads on other media that have less viewership than CFN? Ottawa or Montreal ad costs driving you to bankruptcy? Looking for more exposure and better value? Do you want to reach Eastern Ontario Viewers, but don’t want to haveContinue Reading

CFN – Yes this is the Earth Matters column.  We are changing the title of this column for today out of respect and consideration for all this little flying animal does for us each day.  Bees, which are critical to our food supply are experiencing immense life challenges due toContinue Reading

  CFN – I just love coming across items that help me accomplish my daily needs and are additionally  “earth friendly”.  These are two items that caught my eye and prompted me to open my wallet to purchase in the last week. The first item is the ECO Lunchbox.  TheContinue Reading

CFN – It seems that a large core of Quebecers are determined to bring language issues to the forefront in Quebec.   CTV in Montreal reported on a new documentary about the issue.    LA LANGUE À TERRE, directed by Jean-Pierre Roy and  Michel Breton essentially floats that Quebec should onlyContinue Reading