CFN – Have you planted any vegetables this year? My planting journey began back in February with an experiment in growing some slips from a sweet potato in water.  I started with three potatoes, commercially bought at the store and came to find out from an experienced gardener that storeContinue Reading

CFN – Rob Ford is still mayor of Toronto, our largest city in Canada as of press time.   It’s been an interesting week for the mayor as he circles the wagons and staff member after staff member fall off either by firing or resignation. What we do know isContinue Reading

There are so many life forms that surround us, especially this time of the year.  Crawling, flying, hanging insects are eveywhere, above and below ground.  These tiny creatures are intricately connected to each and everyone of us and I’m certain help to maintain a healthy balance of our world inContinue Reading

  So much going on these days…talks of Genetically Modified (GM) salmon out East, GM alfalfa hay, another oil spill down south………………STOP THE MADNESS…..please!! Amid all this talk of Franken-food and the hand of man slapping our Sacred Earth once again with the consequences of dirty oil and GM-food, IContinue Reading

Submitted Media Release…April 4, 2013. Some 65 species have been waiting and waiting for habitat protection – on average for 19 years Sixty-five species slated to receive mandatory habitat protection this summer under Ontario’s Endangered Species Act, 2007 (ESA) may be out of luck if the government proceeds with sweepingContinue Reading

Last spring you attended a showing of “BOTTLED LIFE” at the Erin Legion and I felt you deserved an update. Nestle had applied for a ten year renewal of the existing permit, but also requested a “spike rate” of an additional 10% on the maximum quantity withdrawn. Despite significant publicContinue Reading

Yes today is International Forest Day folks.  For those of you able to, get out there and enjoy all that our trees and natural landscapes have to offer.   Consider the fresh air, the wonderful movements and sounds of the birds and crawling critters and the symphony of the wind amidstContinue Reading

CFN – Earth Day month is just around the corner, a great time to consider what small change I can incorporate into my day to day to help transform my community and world into a more hospitable, healthy place. We have all heard the expression that “small acts, when multipliedContinue Reading

I think many of us have heard about the emerald ash borer which arrived in North America from overseas in 2002. This insect thrives on and consequently kills ash trees within 4 years of infestation. We have witnessed the impact this little bug is having on our landscape as onceContinue Reading

CFN – Toronto Mayor Rob Ford was turfed from office today.     The humiliation of office comes from the arrogance of his conflict of interest. There really was no surprise no real other option Justice Charles Hackland who stated: “His actions were not done by reason of inadvertence orContinue Reading