Cornwall ON – We’ll be talking HST this afternoon on your community all request radio station live from Cornwall Ontario!   At 1PM we have Andrea Horwath, Provincial Leader of the NDP.    If you want to have your say on the HST you can call into the showContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – The Tobacco Wars are heating up as Giant Phillip Morris enters the fray.  The Owner of brands such as Marlboro is funding advertisements against Native Cigarettes which already are under fire as they are smuggled into Canada as well as areas in the US and impacting theContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – The Real War on drugs takes place each and every day. It’s not cocaine; it’s not Mary Jane as one of our radio guests call it. It’s pharmaceuticals and the pressures from big drug companies on Medicare. Recently Ontario slashed the prices pharmacies are allowed to chargeContinue Reading

HST will make life less affordable for Cornwall families Toronto ON – Cornwall residents shouldn’t be fooled by the cheery talk Revenue Minister John Wilkinson used when he was in Cornwall on Thursday (April 15) to portray his government’s Harmonized Sales Tax (HST). The HST is a bad deal for OntarioContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Minister of Revenue and MPP for Perth Wellington John Wilkinson was in Cornwall Ontario Thursday April 15th to discuss the impact of the upcoming implementation of the HST. The hotly discussed and debated tax has Ontario residents concerned of its impact, and Minister Wilkinson toured businesses inContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Provincial NDP leader Andrea Horwath will be on Monday April 19th discussing the HST and things NDP.    Show time is 12:30 PM and Ms Horwath should be on about 1PM. You never know who’ll be on – Cornwall and Canada’s Community Radio station! RememberContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff probably played a lot of Twister in school.   He swiveled his position on new Quebec proposals to essentially implement user fees.   Quebec of all of the provinces have been doing their own swiveling on medical services with private offerings such asContinue Reading

Dear Sir: Today I received, in my mailbox, yet another Guy Lauzon scam newsletter.  This latest scam is entitled “Getting Things Done For SDSG”. It is an 11 inches by 16 inches printed paper containing four pages of gobble-de-gook and of course the mandatory photograph of our less than competent member ofContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – City counselor, Mary Ann Hug brought a motion to the table at last night’s city council meeting, proposing that the city of Cornwall charge the federal government a fee for using Brookdale Ave as their temporary port of entry. The fee: $10 thousand dollars a day. HugContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Momentum is everything in politics.  Picking the right time to communicate the right message.    Polls released are suggesting that the NDP’s numbers are rising in Quebec which could lead to quite a shift in political numbers in the next Federal Election. LINK Among francophones, the BlocContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – We get a lot of emails and calls here at The Cornwall Free News and this Wednesday a vote is taking place in Parliament regarding Bill C-311 which is the The Climate Change Accountability Act. The Harper Government is against this piece of legislation; although supported byContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Federal Green Party of Canada of Canada leader Elizabeth May is taking exception to Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s attacks on the Environment in what she calls an “Anti-Green” agenda. LINK “If this government’s policy goals were ever stated clearly, Canadians would be up in arms,” says May.Continue Reading

Cornwall ON – You can stick a fork in Helena Guergis and her political future. The Leona Helmsley of Canadian Politics had her “resignation” accepted by Prime Minister Stephen Harper after months of embarrassing the government with antics from throwing tantrums at airports to issues pertaining to her family lifeContinue Reading

Public Meeting The SDSG Federal Liberal Association Policy Committee is holding a public meeting in Crysler, on Wednesday, April 14, 2010 from7 to 9 p.m. at Tony’s at 9 Queen Street. Bernadette Clement, Liberal candidate in the next election, will also attend this meeting and will listen to citizens on issues relating to healthContinue Reading