Our community, Cornwall and the Greater SD&G area, is changing.  This is obvious when you drive around the area and see all of the new construction taking place consisting of homes, businesses, farms and even our community hospital.  The renovations / additions to our hospitals that we see taking shapeContinue Reading

  It appears that the conflict of issue guidelines are not being applied fairly with respect to the planning of Cornwall’s Lamoureux Park. Several local residents raised this concern at a recent waterfront meeting on June 12 at the Civic Complex.   At issue is the potential to develop a small parcelContinue Reading

CFN – Members of the press were invited to Cornwall Square for today’s official unveiling of Cornwall & the Seaway Valley’s newest means of promoting the region, known as TIM, which is shorthand for Tourism in Motion.  The brain child of the agency’s executive director, Linda Wilson, the vehicle is both aContinue Reading

CFN-Jennifer DeBruin cherishes hearing the reminiscences of her maternal grandmother, Mary, about the days of her youth prior to the inundation of her hometown of Moulinette. Moulinette is one of the now Lost Villages, which once stood on the shores of the mighty St. Lawrence River, one of Canada’s most historic regions—settledContinue Reading