May 21, 2022 – Cornwall is starting to reel at the loss of a critical health service. The McConnell walk in clinic, situated right next to the hospital, is shutting down leaving thousands of area residents at a loss for healthcare and surely what will add more pressure to hospitalContinue Reading

May 17, 2022 – I was tweeting today that there were more of we media and pundits watching the leadership debate last night than viewers. Ol Steve Paikin & the incredibly hot Althia Raj moderated a motley mess which showed how truly putrid our leadership is across the board, andContinue Reading

April 4, 2022 – Sadly I work in a town that has been #covid derelict since day one. Part of it is our $400K man Paul Roumeliotis who refused to have Covid laws enforced, and allowed Randy Hillier to have multiple rallies on the grounds of our local health unit.Continue Reading

April 4, 2022 – For many of us struggling through Covid in Ontario it feels like the Ford Government secretly supports the Randy Hillier crowd. Horrible take back of mask mandates as a sixth wave of a World Wide pandemic that has killed over 5 million people and you can’tContinue Reading

January 31, 2022 – As many of my fellow Canadians I’ve been appalled by what I’ve seen and heard in Ottawa this weekend. Branded as a rally of Truckers upset at Vaccine mandates it clearly has been a orchestrated rage against Canadian Democracy and clear act of Domestic Terrorism actuallyContinue Reading

January 3, 2022 – As we watch numbers shooting up here in Canada it’s easy to blame politicians. Lord knows they deserve it, from Prime Minister Trudeau, to most of the premiers, to even local municipal officials. We have as a society failed. To clarify. It’s one thing to believeContinue Reading

September 23, 2021 – It’s common sense really. If you work with the public, especially vulnerable public, you need to be vaccinated against a virus that has killed millions during this world wide pandemic. Tragically in Ontario and other parts of Canada this isn’t to be. Corruption, especially political corruptionContinue Reading

September 13, 2021 – We don’t live in the wacky US of A. Here in Canada we have socialized medicine. We also have a bunch of disgusting anti vax protesters who are gaining attention by protesting at hospitals. The very places many of them will need as they get sickContinue Reading

September 5, 2021 – I, like many of you reading this, was outraged by the selfish, ignorant, and frankly criminal acts of anti vax, anti mask, anti brain #covidiots protesting at hospitals here in Canada. The irony that these people, when they catch Covid and the unvaccinated, are those needingContinue Reading

AUGUST 28, 2021 – Scary times and scary days during this election. With Covid-19 numbers rising it appears that the Anti Vax faction is starting to boil over. Based mostly on delusional ignorance, anger at just about every other issue, and in many cases simple mental illness, most Canadians areContinue Reading

AUGUST 25, 2021 – It’s always bewildering to see how ignorant and petty some of the political classes can be. Or why those with the thinnest skin are attracted to politics? I mean, if you can’t take legitimate criticism or questions from the media perhaps politics isn’t for you? CFN,Continue Reading

AUGUST 20, 2021 – I have had two vaccinations for Covid-19. I wear KN95 masks, even outside if there are crowds. I social distance and frequently wash the ol paws. I tend not to enter any place I can’t be out of in less than 15 minutes. I can’t affordContinue Reading