CFN –   Please be forewarned to read and think before reacting to this piece.  It’s not defending the author of the letter above  nor is it in any way condoning some of the horrible sentiments in the letter above that has gone viral. Obviously a distraught, frustrated, bat shitContinue Reading

Each day that passes we are one day closer to the end of the Harper government and for me that is enough motivation to work hard on behalf of the Liberal Party of Canada and Justin Trudeau.   Mr. Harper’s comments that Liberals have “dangerous ideas” and their proposals areContinue Reading

Perhaps you heard the Conservative party advertisement on our local radio stations, If not (and I’d be very surprised if you didn’t here in Lauzonville) then you have heard or seen Canada’s Economic Action Plan ‘adds’ ad nauseam on road signs, on radio and especially on TV. I hope thatContinue Reading

Imagine walking into a Service Ontario location and being served. Now imagine sitting in a comfortable chair and having a voice/video link with a government office. Now imagine speaking in one of say 5 main languages with a real person just like at a counter. Using technology to help peopleContinue Reading

Multiculturism is great and should be included in the school curriculums; communities should also offer taining centers (whether instructor only or combined with training materials such as books and/or software based) in public libraries or other public centers. Real life skills and practical real world learning is essential in today’sContinue Reading

Fellow Citizens, Control through Retaliation; Is this a Democracy’s response to individuals who speak up in the interest of fellow citizens and their community? .  A statement which brings to mind the scenario, ” When Government’s fear the people that’s Democracy ,when the people fear the Government that’s Dictatorship” We have policiesContinue Reading

The Mayor of the Township of South Stormont recently indicated the township’s interest in having a 600-acre parcel of land re-designated for future economic development. The land lies next to Moulinette Road, between the CN Rail line and Hwy 401. As Cornwall’s industrial park reaches capacity in the future, an alternative siteContinue Reading

Cabinet Shuffle – So what?   Once again all those who like to speculate on the importance and the meaning of the upcoming cabinet shuffle are busily speculating away, ruminating about new faces and fresh blood to help pull the government out of its self-dug hole.  Who is in and whoContinue Reading

Re:  PM’s former chief of staff controlled secret Tory fund Bill C-377 currently before the Senate finance committee proposes that all union books be open to the public. Conservative proponent MP Russ Hiebert argues that labour organizations should not be worried if they have nothing to hide, and thatContinue Reading

With the recent passing of Peter Worthington, one of Canada’s most prolific and well-known journalists, it’s time to remind  Canadians of his very candid Editorial,  ‘Formula To Wreck Canada?’, which was published in the Toronto Sun on October 14th, l980. In his steadfast dedication to the truth, Worthington includes some credible and factual information on the imposition of ‘Official Bilingualism’ on Canadians, by former PrimeContinue Reading

As the public are aware, the City was convicted for illegal retaliation against me in October 2011 in relation to resident abuse at the Lodge. . The City Council was then investigating for answers as to why the three members of senior management of the City had participated in illegalContinue Reading