I swear you can’t make up this utter and complete waste of money. The Bank of Montreal building is not a former theatre. It does not have parking. It will take millions of dollars to create a black box theatre that will be a white elephant in a community thatContinue Reading

What a hot mess. At root is the law of the land is being trampled on. IF a society doesn’t have rule of law respected then our laws are not really worth anything. We have court injunctions not being respected. We have police services refusing to enforce court orders. WeContinue Reading

EDITORIAL: They say you get the government you deserve and that has played out in spades sadly here in Cornwall. While MP Eric Duncan and Mayor Bernadette Clement were jigging it up at Mamma Mia Saturday night the Federal government issued a release that Princess Diamond was going to dumpContinue Reading

CFN has some amazing viewers. This was submitted today and already sent to council. If you don’t want NAV to be used as a Quarantine site please email council as well as our MPP and MP. Please copy and paste this letter and fill their in boxes! bclement@cornwall.ca councillors@cornwall.ca jim.mcdonell@pc.ola.orgContinue Reading

We all want to live in a diverse world and support everyone to be the best person they can possibly be. I know I do. Lord knows I love a good drag show too. Drag Queens, as highlighted in movies like Priscilla and Too Wong Foo helped mainstream what wasContinue Reading

Hey, it’s 2020! Let’s go back to the 50’s! Quebec Conservative former staffer to both Stephen Harper and Jean Charest Provincially let loose a barrage of homophobia to ram home the point that the Conservative Party in Canada has issues with the LGBT community in spite of what some leadershipContinue Reading

Soup’s on!! That has a nice delicious sound to it. “Comin’, Ma!” Oops! No! Ma’s not cooking. Twenty chefs are. And…if you want some, go to the Civic Complex on January 21st. in Salons ABC anytime from 11:30am until 2pm. According to information I received from the Alzheimer Society, thereContinue Reading

It’s been a hot mess watching the tragedy play out in Iran. The shooting down of an Ukranian airplane with 57 Canadians out of 173 souls was an act of terrorism and murder. While some are calling it an accident, the plane clearly flew from Iran. IE, flight control inContinue Reading

Editor’s Note: We apologize for the late publication of Dawn’s column due to technical upgrading of the site. The Beek Lindsay Seniors Residence held their annual Christmas Food Drive to benefit the Food Cupboard at Trinity Anglican Church over the Christmas Holidays. In this photo, Pat Marchand is adding someContinue Reading

I received a beautiful 2020 calendar from CNIB Guide Dogs. Wonderful photos of the dogs each month. I went on line to read more about this organization. There are three career options for the dogs: Guide Dogs which are partnered with adults with sight loss, Buddy Dogs are partnered withContinue Reading

Andrew Scheer lost to Justin Trudeau. No need to rehash the high end baggage that Trudeau and his Liberals carried into this last Federal Election, but it’s clear to say that a party only one term out of office with a strong base should’ve earned an easy majority. Does thatContinue Reading

Water Meters: OK what makes Cornwall so unique to have one of the highest water consumption per capita in all of Canada (ref.: Based on the city’s research, people across Canada use about 250 liters of water per person per day while in Cornwall it’s about 450 liters.”). How wasContinue Reading

The most stunning thing about Cornwall Politics is that the sheep are stunningly silent until it’s too late. Facing an anticipated 7% tax rate hike, city management and council have been flirting and floating having “Smart Water Meters” for the approximately 16,000 buildings in Cornwall. The basic argument for suchContinue Reading

With dreams of Santa on the way, children are getting excited. I went on line to learn about how this Santa Claus legend first began. It is traced to a benevolent monk born in Patara, near Myra in modern day Turkey, about 270 AD, Saint Nicholas, a fourth century ChristianContinue Reading