There is a new Maternity Ward in the Beek Lindsey Seniors Residence. New births include Quads. They came with their own little fur coats. You guessed it: four little baby kittens. Mother ‘Dakota’ and babies are doing well. Grandmother Pat Marchand is still in shock but is doing as wellContinue Reading

Hugo, Hugo, Hugo….  The Freeholder editor took on the question of whether to replace an elected official or hold a bye election.  He cited the Brock Frost drama, but omitted to mention the Conflict of Interest lawsuit pending Mayor O’Shaughnessy, and Councilors Hebert and MacDonald. The irony is that someContinue Reading

CORNWALL Ontario – This can be a very very odd town to not only cover news, but deal with how stories are covered. Cornwall Housing threatens to evict seniors and tenants if they put in window air conditioners and we’re the only outlet to cover the story.  Not a peepContinue Reading

CORNWALL Ontario – The latest presser from Team Cornwall announcing Jim Brownell as the key speaker shows how disconnected the group has become. Frankly it may be time to either sit down and figure out what Team Cornwall really should be or disband it. Having Jim Brownell be a keyContinue Reading

CORNWALL Ontario –  Last night was odd and funny.  Cornwall City Council debated a new committee to hash out a Code of Conduct. There is the municipal act, the Council and CAO covenant (a joke document that the Mayor said isn’t even implemented) , and just plain common sense, butContinue Reading

Re: Federal parties start to play their economic cards, Jason Fekete, May 5, 2015 The conventional wisdom is that whichever party forms government will not have much financial breathing room, especially with the collapse of world oil prices. In fact, while there are ideological and eventual real resource restraints,Continue Reading

CFN – The biggest loser in the Province of Ontario election is not Jim Prentice and his Federal  Conservative counterparts under PM Stephen Harper, but Justin Trudeau.   As the next Federal election looms closer Canadians are mulling over a lot of options. Is the Harper government past it’s “bestContinue Reading

CORNWALL Ontario – Lt-Col. Steven Young of the SD&G Highlanders, known as the Glens, will tell everyone who will listen that the unit is short staffed.  Since taking over the unit numbers have drifted to about half strength. Could one of the reasons why the unit have such a low amountContinue Reading

CFN – A recent Standard Freeholder story starts off  with a very telling question. “How do you justify spending $100,000 of tax money on marketing purposes?” That’s what we call a “money question” not because of the cash in play, but because it rips to the root of the act.Continue Reading

  Child Haven International (CHI) has a Home for destitute children along with 22 women in Kathmandu , Nepal where the big earthquake recently has devastated the area. Fortunately, the children were out in the courtyard when the quake struck and are fine. There has been some slight damage toContinue Reading