Covid 19, Coronavirus, Sars2, whatever we’re calling this devastating illness that may kill as many as 6% of us, especially those of us over 50, overweight, with high blood pressure and other health issues is now the World’s main focus. We’ve seen some major gaffes on the part of theContinue Reading

I am a residential school survivor and this reconciliation thing was a failure from the beginning. Why-because none of those highly paid federal civil servants-including the Native ones-had the common sense to ask us what we thought would work and how. Not once did any of these people come toContinue Reading

Because of a lack of clear information and what is happening to other members of the ship and the risk of this new and unknown virus we the undersigned at the Government of Canada to place those returning to Canada in secure facilities such as the Air Force Base inContinue Reading

EDITORIAL: They say you get the government you deserve and that has played out in spades sadly here in Cornwall. While MP Eric Duncan and Mayor Bernadette Clement were jigging it up at Mamma Mia Saturday night the Federal government issued a release that Princess Diamond was going to dumpContinue Reading

Government of Canada evacuating Canadians on board Diamond Princess cruise ship to the NAV Centre On February 15, the federal government announced that Global Affairs Canada has chartered a plane to repatriate Canadians on board the Diamond Princess cruise ship docked in Yokohama, Japan. Before leaving Japan, passengers will beContinue Reading

CFN has some amazing viewers. This was submitted today and already sent to council. If you don’t want NAV to be used as a Quarantine site please email council as well as our MPP and MP. Please copy and paste this letter and fill their in boxes! jim.mcdonell@pc.ola.orgContinue Reading

With news of the Canadian Government sending Princess Diamond Cruise ship victims of the COVID-19 to NAV CAN in Cornwall Ontario; a non secure facility near the US border and close to Montreal and Ottawa, sources are saying that they have already had a Virus Scare. The Eastern Ontario HeathContinue Reading

By Jamie Gilcig: Where to we start? Coronovirus is scaring the world. With over 70,000 victims of the flu we are just learning about it. For example when SARS hit it was discovered that drain pipes in apartment complexes played a role in the contagion spreading. Moving victims to BasesContinue Reading

Well the Tory leadership race is off and running. Really only two serious contenders at this point. Peter MacKay and Erin O’Toole have entered the contest plus a few of the “Who Are They?” Still plenty of time for some hard-right candidate or someone representing the Social Conservative movement toContinue Reading

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms ( represents journalist Andrew Lawton and True North Centre for Public Policy (True North) as they continue their challenge of the Federal Leaders’ Debates Commission’s last minute decision to deny True North its media accreditation for the election debate last October. The Commission informed True North on FridayContinue Reading

Hey, it’s 2020! Let’s go back to the 50’s! Quebec Conservative former staffer to both Stephen Harper and Jean Charest Provincially let loose a barrage of homophobia to ram home the point that the Conservative Party in Canada has issues with the LGBT community in spite of what some leadershipContinue Reading

It’s been a hot mess watching the tragedy play out in Iran. The shooting down of an Ukranian airplane with 57 Canadians out of 173 souls was an act of terrorism and murder. While some are calling it an accident, the plane clearly flew from Iran. IE, flight control inContinue Reading

Media reports offer some weak apple sauce to residents that are seeing some strange sites along our waterway. The releasing of waters, which many are of the opinion are being done at the expense of our area and in a heavy handed manner that is impacting our fish and birdContinue Reading

Andrew Scheer lost to Justin Trudeau. No need to rehash the high end baggage that Trudeau and his Liberals carried into this last Federal Election, but it’s clear to say that a party only one term out of office with a strong base should’ve earned an easy majority. Does thatContinue Reading