CFN has some amazing viewers. This was submitted today and already sent to council. If you don’t want NAV to be used as a Quarantine site please email council as well as our MPP and MP. Please copy and paste this letter and fill their in boxes! jim.mcdonell@pc.ola.orgContinue Reading

With news of the Canadian Government sending Princess Diamond Cruise ship victims of the COVID-19 to NAV CAN in Cornwall Ontario; a non secure facility near the US border and close to Montreal and Ottawa, sources are saying that they have already had a Virus Scare. The Eastern Ontario HeathContinue Reading

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms ( represents journalist Andrew Lawton and True North Centre for Public Policy (True North) as they continue their challenge of the Federal Leaders’ Debates Commission’s last minute decision to deny True North its media accreditation for the election debate last October. The Commission informed True North on FridayContinue Reading

Water Meters: OK what makes Cornwall so unique to have one of the highest water consumption per capita in all of Canada (ref.: Based on the city’s research, people across Canada use about 250 liters of water per person per day while in Cornwall it’s about 450 liters.”). How wasContinue Reading

Another Business Closing : It’s sad, another loss for workers and bigger unemployment lines. In parallel, Cornwall at least on paper gets another black eye. Perception all around will be that Cornwall cannot keep business afloat. Most of us suspect though that two (2) big box hardware stores in CornwallContinue Reading

This council reflects our mayor perfectly. Sloppy, unthinking, feebly emotional, and all veneer with little to no substance, leadership, or remote understanding of her and their roles on council. It just goes to show that if you sell your soul to Labour and agree to rubber stamp their demands youContinue Reading

From a CFN viewer: Here’s my understanding of Heart of the City protocol: 1.       It is always best if you actually own real property before applying; 2.       You then apply for funding (new roof, new doors, new windows, a sign, etc) 3.       You submit application; 4.       Approved….YEAH!!!! 5.       City registers a LIEN on title that EVERYBODY CANContinue Reading

I love this town. It’s insane. I swear there’s something in the water, besides residue from Big Ben and lead. CFN has confirmed allegations that the letter to the editor published in the Standard Freeholder from Councilor Claude McIntosh was in fact not a letter to the editor, but inContinue Reading

Dear Editor, This past week the Cornwall community was stunned by a Facebook post claiming an “attack” had been perpetrated on a Cornwall City Councillor and the Cornwall Mayor. Information in the post suggested that the weapon used in the “attack” may have been a pen, rumoured to have beenContinue Reading

We live in a community that sadly discounts truth and integrity. Where terms like “fake news” get bandied around by people that truly have no understanding of news or how news works. Some of whom get elected to office. If you live in a community with little accountability this isContinue Reading

By Mary Anne Pankhurst There are dangers that can accompany the designation of “Dr.” to people who work in the broad, $ multi-billion marketplace of alternative medicine. Governments and citizens can be tricked, seriously harmed or even killed by the plausible-sounding notions and potions sold by well-spoken, caring practitioners, whoContinue Reading

Just before Halloween, when it was announced that city council is shelling out $45,000. to sweeten the launch of a local naturopath’s ‘medical clinic,’ some people couldn’t help but wonder if the “treat” is some sort of a trick. Like many communities across Canada, Cornwall has a recruitment plan and isContinue Reading

VANCOUVER, British Columbia — By establishing individual property rights, the Westbank First Nation in British Columbia’s southern Interior has become entrepreneurial and prosperous, finds a new study released today by the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan Canadian public policy think-tank. “Westbank has created an environment where band members can createContinue Reading

The banning of wood backyard fires is a hot topic in the River City. ( I know…I just had to!) Seriously though, now is your chance to sign our simple petition below. (Please note that it may take awhile for your signature to show up.) We are opening viewer commentsContinue Reading

Thee’s nothing like the crackle of real wood in a chimenea or wood pit. With no real cultural activity in the city other than cover bands and drag nights, weekend fires are a chance for friends and family to enjoy some time together. Some of the best nights I’ve hadContinue Reading

When I ran for mayor of this odd city one of my platform concepts was to create free busing in the city, seven days per week. The idea was to create a three year pilot project and shake down the province and the Feds. From the numbers I’d crunched itContinue Reading