CFN – That’s our corrupt mayor of Cornwall Ontario Bob Kilger.   He’s had a lucky week.  Instead of dealing with his conflict of interest issues like his being on the Benson University hit on Council for cold cash and others by a gutless act of hitting the panic button,Continue Reading

I think many of us have heard about the emerald ash borer which arrived in North America from overseas in 2002. This insect thrives on and consequently kills ash trees within 4 years of infestation. We have witnessed the impact this little bug is having on our landscape as onceContinue Reading

CFN – Does being a city Councilor in Cornwall give you some sort of immunity from the law?    This is the question being asked by many in Cornwall Ontario after he moved and damaged protest signs. Protesters and this writer himself witnessed the councilor fold and bend signs thatContinue Reading

CFN -Can any of you figure out this gobbeldygook?  I can’t either. It looks like the mayor and council are trying to sneak some procedural and by law stuff through the minutes for actions taken in camera. I could be wrong?  It sure is boggling….These are from the agenda tonightContinue Reading

CFN – Poor Marc Garneau, he wanted a one on one debate with Justin Trudeau and Trudeau turned him down. That was a smart move on Trudeau’s part, dumb one on Garneau’s. While it’s true many people would like to know where Trudeau stands on a variety of issues, thereContinue Reading

DOMESTIC CRIMINAL HARASSMENT & OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE               Cornwall, ON- A 43-year-old Cornwall man was arrested on February 22nd, 2013. It is alleged that on February 20th, 2013, he continuously contacted and intimidated his 34-year-old ex-girlfriend. Police were contacted and an investigation followed. He was charged with Criminal Harassment and ObstructingContinue Reading

CFN -The problem with the municipal act in Ontario is that it’s literally toothless.   EXPLOSIVE LINK Nineteen cities and towns met in secret over 15 months, more engaged in questionable conduct and a few even obstructed investigation by Ombudsman Andre Marin. “Some (municipal councils) are shockingly secretive, suspicious andContinue Reading

CFN – And the bizarre twists of Mayor Kilger and his council towards a simple motion to link from the City of Cornwall’s Facebook page and websites to support our now cancelled 100 Letter campaign rolled out in the latest agenda released today. SUBMITTED BY: Councillor: Maurice Dupelle NEW BUSINESSContinue Reading